Monday, March 17, 2003

The nasty storms that were predicted for we here in the San Francisco Bay Area this past weekend never developed beyond a few scattered showers. With the weather gods thusly smiling upon our little corner of the planet we were treated to a cool but clear and peaceful night for our watch during the Global Vigil for Peace.

There were at least 105 candles burning at the vigil we attended. I am glad to report that we were not troubled by any pro-war hecklers. In fact, many cars passing by our glowing throng tooted their horns in support.

Click here to view photos of the vigils from around the world.

Meanwhile, as we pray and hope and act for peace in a world already soaked with blood, George W's war machine keeps churning and he speaks of a moment of truth as if the truth possessed any kind of value for this man who has raised an edifice of lies so monumental that we may never see its entirety.

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