Monday, December 13, 2004

To the Suckling Child

Nurse, child, long and well,
cradled safe in loving arms.

Beyond that embrace the world is hell
and waits to do you harm.

An old one.

The child who inspired this couplet (glimpsed on BART) must be about 7 years old now.

I hope he is doing well and proving my pessimistic side wrong.


rays said...

true indeed.

hang in there, bro...

you've still got it.

Richard Cody said...

Thanks for stopping by, Ray.

Soon as I get a chance, I intend to add your new blog (rapture in the mud) to my roll.

I'm hangin'. . .

Other Mary said...

I hope so too. This is a dark one, but resonates with something very real and important.

Richard Cody said...

Funny, the child (no longer) would be another seven years older now. Let's hope he's well!

Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...

fun word flow.

a profound write.