Friday, July 18, 2003

This, That and Another

A big thank you to Tracy who, on the occasion of her 30th birthday, gifted her blog friends with music. The USPS delivered my copy safely, Tracy, and I have found the disc quite spinable.


Rana, over at Frogs and Ravens (whom I discovered a while back via the venerable Tom Shugart), yesterday posted a haiku about being woken from sleep by the "croaking" of a crow - echoing a theme (interrupted sleep) I had written about in my journal on the 15th:

2 a.m., car door
SLAMS - scaring dreams from my head
to the pillows edge.


Stay tuned, or tune in later, for the first ever Notes from a life in Progress give away. Up for grabs: two copies of a local (San Jose, CA.) arts magazine featuring a poem by your truly. Details to follow. . .